My daughter is 11 and has suffered very heavy nosebleeds since the age of 2? why? - naseptin
It was electric cautery to both nostrils twice and keep Brenneisen, when awake. She used the cream naseptin many occasions, but without avail.They can occur at any time, so movies, eating, sleeping, etc. no idea what they might mean?
It can can be a problem on blood coagulation and vitamin K to help you more. There is a large amount of vitamin K in broccoli and spinach. An Internet search for "Vitamin K" + "nosebleed" give more information.
Small blood vessels might be another source which can be enhanced with citrus bioflavonoids found in citrus fruits such as oranges and tangerines and an Internet search for "citrus bioflavonoids" + "capillary" give more information.
My son had this for 2 years. Teenager, he was expected Naseptin not seem to work. They told us to keep the nose moist, so that the vein is moist and not break it.
He did not push him into his 20s.
Not help much, I know, but it appears fairly frequently.
Have used my son to have the same problem and nobody seems to ready a response
He is a teenager, and now rarely gets so I hope it's the same for his daughter in a couple of years time
Perhaps it is because you are in a very dry or cold, if it is to live so, provide a humidifier in her room every night and is part of the day when they are home.
Maby hypertension?
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